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    Use "see over" em uma frase

    see over frases de exemplo

    see over

    1. There was a wide bench in the back of the boat, but from down on that she couldn't see over the cabin

    2. point, they could also see over to their left the plume of dust put up

    3. When he was tall enough to see over the counter in the hardware store he was given new chores: counting and recording stock on shelves once a week, restocking, cleaning the shopfront windows and the countertops

    4. He got up onto the low side of the rock and walked up the sloped top so he could see over the line of brush and the fields beyond

    5. could see over the woman’s shoulder into the small garret

    6. could see over the mitt was his eyes

    7. In a circle of cushion-topped bookcases was a ring of five comfortable high-backed chairs, raised high enough to see over the clutter of the floor and out to the views from this level

    8. She could just see over its top to the open cave mouth beyond, to the stretch of sand and the ocean beyond

    9. However, you should remember that some webservers may start dropping/delaying connections if they see over 10 concurrent connections from the same client IP address

    10. Difficult to see around, and impossible to see over, with ladders and bins and racks on the back

    11. “See over there?” he asked in response to her request for a tour, “that used to be the main entrance, and the bar, which is actually a separate business, used to be the back room

    12. I got to see over a hundred workers on the floor as

    13. He had also climbed up an inviting tree in an effort to see over the canopy if at all possible and get their bearings, so they could start off in the right direction for the nearest bull-horn

    14. "Is that Barbara Windsor I can see over there?"

    15. I’m too short to see over the crowd of initiates standing near the back of the room, but when I find a space between heads to look through, I see that the blackboard is on the ground, leaning against Four’s legs, facing away from us

    16. As I stand on my toes to try to see over the heads, someone’s sorrow fills my body

    17. “Efforts to see over the Wards around Venak have proved fruitless, since they grow in height in response

    18. “When we were trying to see over the Wards of Venak, did we succeed in finding ways of surviving the void?

    19. Soon they arrive at the airport of Arica, and as they approach they can see over 20

    20. Henry Jackson, who was tallest could jus see over the heads of the listless prisoners

    21. More women joined them, worming their way to the fore or stretching in attempts to see over the men's shoulders

    22. shoulders so that she could see over the crowd before them, leaned over and said in an

    23. We could not see over it, even sitting on our ponies

    24. „Can you see over the hill to the gate? How do we know someone isn"t lying low, watching?"

    25. „Try not to be obvious, but what do you see over there in the long grass?"

    26. Stewart could see over the vast land

    27. He could not see over the heads

    28. Jumping to see over the heads of the others, he saw the three of them make a left onto 46th Street, Angela in the middle, her arms tucked into the arms of each man

    29. Aidan chuckled while I only shook my head and returned to see over the window

    30. He had resolved that he would see what sort of a man Jesus was the next time he chanced to visit Jericho; accordingly, Zaccheus sought to press through the crowd, but it was too great, and being short of stature, he could not see over their heads

    31. There’s lots to see over there

    32. its mother ‘Prove to me that the thing I see over there is a real thing’; or ‘When I

    33. As soon as Sam could see over the edge, he laid flat on his stomach and waved the other boys over

    34. With her arms stretched out in a plea to be carried, he smiles and scoops up his little sister by her waist, and she giggles with joy as he lifts her in the air so that she can see over the heads of the Maasai

    35. He could barely see over the roof of the car but he glimpsed something moving within the shadows

    36. His head was tilted slightly up as if he could see over everyone else-though he could never look over his eight feet lieutenant that stood before him

    37. She couldn’t see over Jessica’s thigh to observe Frank’s actions

    38. I need only remind you of spam, viruses, spyware, emails with FW (forward, not the middle initial of someone preceded by the first letter of another word) in the title and racist, degrading jokes that you see over and over

    39. Marie looked at him with a tilted head so she could see over the

    40. � As he was finishing that, loud cheers made him turn his head to the right, in time to see over a dozen British armored troop carriers join the beleaguered Force Five along the docks

    41. If the agency was able to land contracts sufficient to bill for say, 10,000 hours in a month, he or she could see over $75,000 per month in gross profit

    42. ‘’Lady and gentlemen of the Senate, what you see over there are the prototypes of three new transport aircraft: the Douglas XC-152, the Boeing XC-200 and the Convair XC-100

    43. There, he found a yard with a wooden fence that was so high that even he, no small troll, couldn’t see over it

    44. " She strained to see what was inside the circle, but the lighting and the distance made it difficult to see over the rim

    45. You would be shielded from view on three sides; the fourth side would not be an issue as the people in the single-story house could not see over the eight-foot-high privacy wall

    46. Melanie stood behind him, craning her head to see over his powerful square shoulders

    47. As I climbed the stairs, I could see the stage lights and see over the top of the stage itself

    48. He had originally been hired to tend the grounds and garden, but as it turned out, he spent half his time driving Joan around town, which was a bit of an act because he could barely see over the dashboard

    49. room, but that extra height was enough for us to see over the top of the nearby roofs

    50. he could see over the top of the grass

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